A320 Family Platform Search
The A320 search page offers a pre-sorted list of Full Stop Technics repair capabilities specifically for the A320 Family of Aircraft. Full Stop Technics is a leading provider of wheels and brakes material for the A320 Family, which includes both the CEO and NEO configurations. Since its entry into service in 1988, the Airbus A320 single-aisle, medium-range airliner has become one of the most popular models in commercial aviation, with over 5,000 A320 family aircraft currently in operation and more than 8,600 ordered. The A320 family covers a variety of models, including the A318, A319, A320, and the stretched A321 version.
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Once you locate the part in the table below, click on the part number to view detailed information on the parts and capabilities page.
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Part Number | Description | Repair CMM | Bench Check Advise | Repair | Overhaul | Repair Facility |
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